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  • Writer's picturesalomon raydan


As we have explained in other news, our activities have been limited by the mobility restriction measures that have been dictated by the different authoties

in the areas where we work. Many of our groups have been affected by the impossibility of meeting physically, however, together we have been creating a series of strategies to be able to face these difficulties and move forward.

In this sense, we have been developing material to help many of our groups so that day by day they acquire more skills in managing the virtual world. We have done several Facebook-live we have given workshops using platforms such as Zoon and now we are transmitting small tips and videos via WhatsApp, to continue our educational work

But we have also found ways to open new groups and work directly with people, always respecting the security measures dictated by the authorities. In this sense, in conjunction with the famous “Tras la Perla” foundation, the VENTURE corporation and the MEASURE MATTERS company, we are creating and developing a program in the “Pescaito” area in Santa Marta, Colombia.

We have also just signed an agreement with CAF, the Development Bank of Latin America to support the automation process of the groups that we have created throughout the Colombian Caribbean, including the areas of Dibulla in La Guajira, Moganbo in Barranquilla and Santa Marta. The idea is that we can migrate these groups to the version, still in test, of the mobile application that we have created for the groups

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