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The Civil Association Fundefri Colombia was originally created on the Island of Margarita in Venezuela in 2000. Its first years were dedicated to the development of a model of education and financial inclusion called " Bankomunales ". (In Colombia BK-Groups )

In alliance with other organizations this model was replicated in several European countries, in Senegal and Indonesia.

In 2015, ACFC signed an agreement with CAF, the Development Bank of Latin America, to replicate the Bankomunales model in 6 countries of the region: Haiti, Bolivia, Argentina, Colombia, the Dominican Republic and in a mail prison in Peru and female prison in Paraguay.

To carry out this project, the organization is registered in Colombia, from where most of the initiatives have been carried out since 2015.

In 2017 ACFC won the important Expo-live Dubai award in the framework of the Expo-Dubai2020 world fair. This award is aimed to introduction technology to its Bankomunales model and the development of a sustainability strategu. The Bk-App, the mobile application for the creation, management and supervision of Bankomunales (Bk-Groups in colombia), is created around this project.

In 2018, ACFC understands that education and financial inclusion are not enough and decides to create a new program aimed at improving the quality of family spending, offering a series of products and services that it calls "Poverty Buffers", and will help those families to obtain Financial Well-being .

This program is called BK-Club and in 2019 it won the Fundación MAPFRE international award for insurance innovation

By suggestions of the Financial Superintendency of Colombia, we decided to stop using the name Bankomunales for our groups and we adopted the name of BK-Groups (BKG)

BK GROUPS are not monitored by the Colombian Financial Superintendency

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